Groundhog Day or Candlemas Day???

Everyone knows about Punxsutawney Phil but did you know the history behind the tradition of Groundhog Day. It’s roots were derived from the ancient Christian tradition of Candlemas Day, when clergy would distribute blessed candles to families at the beginning of winter. The candles were supposed to represent how long and cold the winter would be.The Germans expanded on this tradition with the addition of the hedgehog that would predict the weather. On February 2nd in parts of Europe it . . .


Another 12 days until Spring if you believe in Groundhogs. If you don’t, it’ll be another 16 days until the Vernal Equinox, the first day of spring. Either way, considering the 73 days of winter we’ve already survived since the Winter Solstice on December 21, 2013 , it seems to be safe to say that the worst is over. Even better, for April and May the Farmers’ Almanac predicts warm and dry weather and a hot (and rainy) summer and . . .